Friday, August 15, 2008

Welcome to my blog...

I'm Frank. I am sick and tired of all the politically correct nonsense in the media today. I am also sick and tired of the liberals who go along with these pinheads. The day when a two faced, liberal worm like Barack Obama can be in the running for president is a sad day indeed! We are in perilous times. This guy thinks women killing their own babies in their wombs should be a national pastime. This goon is a disgrace to everything the US stands for. Want to kill your baby, fine. Obama says its OK. Your gay and want to go against every moral standard known to mankind, then vote for Obama. He says its OK. In fact what does Obama stand for? Exactly what is all of this change he is talking about? Does anyone know what the hell this guy is talking about? Can you put 2 or 3 of his cryptic speeches together to form any kind of coherent message? My message is this. Get out of town dumbo. We don't need you, we don't want you. There are some of us who still have some moral scruples left. Your a menace to morality pal. Go get an ear tuck.

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