Here is an article from the Catholic League on Joe Biden. He is now supporting Gay marriage after just a few weeks ago sided with not changing the definition. This guy, just like his running mate Obama is also a liar, not to mention a disgraceful "Catholic". He is obviously not concerned about following what the Church teaches, but in only pushing his own immoral, disgusting agenda. This guy makes me sick to my stomach. I can hardly hold down my lunch when I see him or Obama on the TV. Please, lets not let either of these crotchstains get into office folks.
October 20, 2008
On today’s episode of “Ellen,” Joe Biden told Ellen DeGeneres “that if I lived in California, I would vote against Proposition 8.” This initiative reads, “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” Yet in his debate with Sarah Palin on October 2, Biden said that “Barack Obama nor I support redefining from a civil side what constitutes marriage.”
Catholic League president Bill Donohue weighed in on this today:
“Proposition 8 is a civil initiative that would secure marriage as an institution that is exclusively between a man and a woman, and Joe Biden told Ellen DeGeneres that he is opposed to that measure. In other words, Biden did not tell the truth in his debate with Sarah Palin. He cannot logically be opposed to both gay marriage and Proposition 8, but that is exactly what he is trying to get away with. More important, Biden is openly defying both the pope and the bishops.
“Last year, in his Apostolic Exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis, Pope Benedict XVI pointedly said the following about people like Joe Biden: ‘Worship pleasing to God can never be a purely private matter…it is especially incumbent upon those who, by virtue of their social or political position, must make decisions regarding fundamental values such as respect for human life, its defence from conception to natural death, the family built upon marriage between a man and a woman....These values are not negotiable.’ (My emphasis.)
“Last year, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issued Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship wherein it said that the family based on marriage between a man and a woman ‘should be defended and strengthened, not redefined or undermined by permitting same-sex unions or other distortions of marriage.’
“Biden is in a major jam. He needs to hold a press conference explaining his irreconcilable moral positions, and why he has chosen to defy the pope and the bishops.”
You are simply a mean ass! If I love my partner, and he loves me, what business of yours is it? Were you not loved by your daddy enough?
My man and I can not wait to legally formalize OUR marriage. I don't need a little pricky-boy such as yourself getting involved in the privacy of my home. Heteros such as yourself have such a fascination with our lifestyle. Are you jealous? Do you even know what it is like to love? You are so full of hate and disdain.
Instead of hating me for my happiness and ability to be in love, which you can't possibly imagine, appreciate the act of the divine in my relationship. God made us to love and to be loved. He made me in order to experience this love with another man. I was made to experience the eroticism of man on man action, and boy it is a total act of freedom.
If we want to be married, MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS!!!
I wish I knew who you were. I would beat the crap out of you for depriving me of my civil rights.
JERK, MORON, IMBECILE...these words do not feel good, now do they? SO DON"T CALL ME AN ASS PUPET EITHER!!!
First of all you are not in love you fairy. Having some guy hump your ass every night is not love. It is sick, and has no place in human interaction. You are seriously sick in the head and you need to be committed to a mental ward. You can visit me any time in Little Italy and take me on any time. I warn you however, even though you are act like a little girl, I will still beat your ass. I'm just worried I might get your infected blood on me. I guess I can wear some gloves. I'll kick your gay ass so hard you'll be wearing it for a backpack. I don't know how your boyfriend will take it, since it may inhibit his butt-pirate action. You will never be married no matter what law says you are. The Church still speaks the truth.
Look, I don't know what end of the rump ranging your on, but its the wrong one. By the way, I am married you sick twisted freak. Quit trying to push your homo lifestyle on the rest of us. Get lost. As far as my dad goes you queer, we got along fine. Maybe you should figure out what happened to you and your dad, so maybe you can figure out what the hell happened to you to make you such a pansy.
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